Achieve Total Wellness with Disciplines of Wellness

The Ten Disciplines of Wellness provides a road map towards complete wellness of the body, mind and the spirit.

A Way of Life

In a world full of confusion and contradictory information about health, Theo will show you the truth path to wellness. Through this indispensable journey you will discover how to make wellness a permanent way of life. Learn to use common sense to stay well. Gain the tools to win the battle for your health.

Make Lasting Changes

Uncover the real motivating factor for change. Learn to use the original diet, healthy living spaces and meaningful relationships to achieve wellness.


A well balanced life is fundamental for anyone’s wellness development, peace of mind and living well. No matter what stage of life you are at, whether working, going to school or in retirement, we all have responsibilities. There is always someone, or something, to answer to. There are things we want to do and things we must. The challenge is to balance what we must do with what we enjoy and choose to do. This is not always easy. If, however, we are unable to reduce stress and manage a well balanced life there can be physical and/or emotional health consequences.